FAQs - General Information
How do I apply to become a Skybridger?
To see a list of currently available positions and to apply, please visit Job Listings - Skybridge Americas Jobs (applicantpro.com).
Does Skybridge hire in all states (US) or provinces (Canada)?
In the US, we hire in the following states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Iowa, Alabama, and Utah.
In Canada, we hire in the following provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario.
Are your Specialists actual employees of Skybridge or are they independent contractors?
All of our Representatives are employees of the company.
Are there career advancement opportunities?
Yes. We like to promote from within and there are always opportunities to move to higher positions at Skybridge.
How long is the hiring process?
We try to make the hiring process as streamlined as possible. You can expect the process to take approximately 5 days after your application is received before an offer is extended to you.
Will I be required to use a webcam?
Our training programs do require a webcam so we can ensure you have the best experience possible. After completing training, there will be other times where a webcam is required including nesting periods, coaching, and throughout production. As we are a 100% work-at-home company, a webcam is a very important tool to your success!
What kind of work will I be doing?
Each of our client accounts has different needs. The work to be done will be indicated in the job description and our recruiters will be happy to review this with you as you go through the hiring process.
Are there performance evaluations?
Yes. Performance is evaluated and you will have discussions with your coach/supervisor on how you can make improvements during your sessions with them.
How will I be supported while I work?
Everyone at Skybridge is vested in making sure our employees are successful. You will have the support of your team available to you through secure chat rooms as well as by phone.